Not Quite Domestic

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sometimes you get inspiration from the silliest things. Last night I discovered Cakewrecks, one of the funniest blogs I've ever seen. After looking and laughing for over an hour - (I mean, really, it's like a train wreck, you just have to look) I fell into bed, still laughing.

During those final moments before falling asleep, I started thinking about all my disasters, cooking and otherwise, and wondered how many other people have those disasters, and wouldn't it be fun to share them? One drowsy thought led to another, and I spent the night dreaming about a blog devoted to the silly, stupid and funny things we create when the vision in our heads just doesn't match reality.

So, here's to all of us who for whatever reason, just weren't quite domestic gods or goddesses in every thing we attempted. I'm willing to share my own disasters, but frankly, this blog will be pretty short and boring unless others are willing to share too. So, start sending me your own photos and stories and let the laughter and head scratching begin.


Heather - said...

Ha! So funny! I totally just started a blog devoted to the same thing called Craft Fail ( It's a community blog that anyone can sign up for... great minds think alike, I guess!

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